Bus travel for students is a contracted service provided by the College. Routes, timetables and the provision of this service is managed by Organ's Coaches. The service is designed to operate with optimum student participation balanced with the cost-effectiveness of providing such services. The College aims to cover the broadest geographical area possible.
The bus service is offered on a full-time, part-time, or casual basis (if seats are available), and travel is arranged through the College.
Buses are billed at the beginning of the school year. Payment can be arranged through the College, and families may be eligible for a conveyance allowance. For more information regarding these services, please contact our College Administrator on 03 9740 5400.
The following routes can be found on the Sunbury Coaches website: sunburycoaches.com.au/school-services/
Sunbury route (Diggers Rest - Sunbury)
Romsey route (Romsey,Riddells Creek, Gisborne)