Karen McCoy
Welcome to Red Rock.
I trust that as you explore this site you will see through the words to the heart of our College.
We know each of our students is fearfully and wonderfully made by God, who loves them lavishly. He created them purposefully, and we honour their unique strengths and character. Our vision is to support and empower students to influence their world with integrity. This begins from the day our students join us and continues right through their schooling.
In partnership with our students, we will build on the excellent education and supportive environment provided in the primary years to meet the needs of our young people through their secondary years.
In the early years, we provide students with a safe, nurturing environment that teaches them to explore, ask questions, think deeply, to respect others and to be just and compassionate. As they progress through the secondary years, students are taught to combine independence with interdependent learning. They are inspired and equipped as 21st-century learners by staff who are dedicated to their growth and wellbeing.
We believe learners develop understanding through meaningful engagement and real-life application. Our goal is to have learners who take personal responsibility for their learning, collaborate with their peers and teachers, develop skills and habits of mind they will need in the future, and become excellent problem solvers and team players. After all, this is their education and their future, and they need to be a part of it.