‘How many are your thoughts oh Lord,
so many more than grains of sand
in the sea.
And if I tried to count them all
I know how so impossible that would be.’
Anneliese Van Santvoort
Anneliese’s song, ’I think about You’, which was released at our Night of Music on Friday 11th September, reminds us again of just how much our God loves us. His thoughts concerning us are numerous and they are all good thoughts. His thoughts reflect Him as our maker and that his works are wonderful. Each and every one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made; knit together by the master craftsman: God.
This belief, this knowledge underpins our educational philosophy: ‘…We believe that all are created equal and uniquely by a loving God and therefore all should be given the opportunity to develop their full potential and to be prepared to engage with and contribute meaningfully to their local and global community…’
In every classroom there are students that learn best through auditory, sequential processes and there are others who learn best through visual, spatial routes and many students who are somewhere between the two. There are students who need lots of repetition and others who get it straight away; some like to talk and others like to do and yet we all need to function together as a community of learners. This is why our philosophical statement also says, ‘It is important that all students develop the ability to communicate effectively, nurture and support others, value community and be resilient’. Without these abilities and qualities it is difficult to maximize your own learning and to flourish at school, out of school and later in the work place.
This is big: a huge undertaking. Yet, we are committed to continuing to grow as teachers and to grow in our relationship with Jesus so that we can increase in our ability to help the potential be realised for all our students
So we continue on this journey of unlocking the gold within. We value the partnership we have with parents; to be on the same page, and to work toward the same goals which will lead to the greatest success.