We seek to deliver a high standard of College education for comparatively low fees.
Annual Tuition Fees
Annual Tuition Fees incorporates tuition fees and standard activities.
It does not inlcude bus travel, BYOD (Yr 4-12), uniform, books and stationery.
Year - level Levy
Covers the cost of standard excursions, camps and sports. The additional resources costs have been added to the year level levy which includes items such as photocopy fees, Adobe Licencing fees and class resources. This levy is not adjusted for late entry during the college year and while this includes the cost of camps and excursions, refunds do not apply for non-attendance of these events as arrangements and bookings are put in place early in the year to ensure costs can be kept to a minimum.
When 25 % discount is applied
Sibling discount
When families have more than one child attending the College concurrently discounts apply to the Tuition Fee only. (First child fee applies to the eldest child.)
1st child
Full Annual
Tuition Fee
2nd child
25% applies
3rd child
50% applies
Any additional children
No Annual Tuition Fees applies.
Foundation - Year 2
Tuition fees
(Annual Tuition Fee)
2nd child
(With 25% discount applied to Annual Tuition Fee only)
3rd child
(With 50% discount applied to Annual Tuition Fee only)
Any additional children
( Year-level Levy Only)
Year - level Levy for Foundation - Year 2
Years 3 - 6
Tuition fees
(Annual Tuition Fee)
2nd child
(With 25% discount applied to Annual Tuition Fee only)
3rd child
(With 50% discount applied to Annual Tuition Fee only)
Any additional children
(With no tuition fee applied + Year-level Levy)
Year-level Levy for Years 3 - 6
Year 7 (Pre-flight) - Year 10 (Altitude 3)
Tuition fees
(Annual Tuition Fee)
2nd child
(With 25% discount applied to Annual)
3rd child
(With 50% discount applied to Annual)
Any additional children
(With no tuition fee applied + Year-level Levy
$Levy applies
Year-level Levy for Year 7 (Pre-flight)
Year-level Levy for Year 8 (1st Year - Altitude)
Year-level Levy for Year 9 (2nd Year - Altitude)
Year-level Levy for Year 10 (3nd Year - Altitude)
Year 11 and Year 12 (Graduate 1 and Graduate 2)
Tuition fees
(Annual Tuition Fee)
2nd child
(With 25% discount applied to Annual)
3rd child
(With 50% discount applied to Annual)
Any additional children
(With no tuition fee applied + Year-level Levy
Year-level Levy for Year 11 & 12 (Graduate 1 and Graduate 2)
​​​​​​Financial and account information
The first accounts for 2024 will be issued in late December 2023 and are due for payment by Friday, 19 th January 2024. If the total Annual Tuition Fee is paid by the above date, a 2.5% discount will apply.
Subsequent accounts will be issued one month prior to the due date and will be due on:
Term 2: Friday 12th April 2024
Term 3: Friday 12th July 2024
Term 4: Friday 4th October 2024
Year 12 student invoices are spread over three invoices and issued one month prior to the due date and will be due on:
Term 1: Friday 19th January 2024
Term 2: Friday 12th April 2024
Term 3: Friday 12th July 2024
Building Fund Donations
The college operates a Building Fund to upgrade and maintain its facilities in order to provide a quality learning environment and to meet the increasing needs. Families are asked to donate $100.00 to this fund. All donations paid to the building fund are fully tax--deductible and funds are used specifically for the purpose of upgrading and maintaining the college facilities.
Buses and Conveyance allowance
Bus fees are charged in addition. Where families are eligible for conveyance allowance, the allowance contributes to the bus fee. Bus fees are due the first week of the College year.
The Conveyance Allowance is provided to assist eligible families with the cost of transporting their child to and from school. To be eligible you must reside more than 4.8 km from the school and it must be the closest school of its type to your home.
Application Forms are now available from the College Administration Office.
There are 2 types of Application forms available:
Private Bus Travel Student Conveyance Allowance (if your child travels on the school bus)
Private Car Travel Student Conveyance Allowance.
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)
CSEF is a state Government initiative to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student will be: $125 for primary school students or $225 for secondary school students.
Please note CSEF assistance is paid to the school. For an application form contact our College Administrator.
Family Annual Maintenance Levy
Each family of the College has a $120 maintenance levy applied to their annual invoice
Late payments
The College may charge a late payment administration fee of $25 per month to accounts that remain outstanding beyond the due date.
Withdrawing students
Written notice of one full term must be provided to the Principal prior to the withdrawal of a student, including withdrawal at the end of the College year. One term's fees will be charged in lieu of notice and is a genuine pre-estimate of the loss it would incur.